The Backup Plan Full Movie Download

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MovieThe Backup Plan Full Movie Download

Mention the phrase 'single mum' in this country and the less charitable immediately think of a gaggle of tattoed, tab-puffing teenagers pushing a knackered stroller through a sink estate.
The exquisitely made over J-Lo is the last person you'd expect to join the happy throng queuing outside Greggs but they do things rather differently in the posher parts of Manhattan.
She plays Zoe, a high-flying web financier-turned pet shop owner who, after 'hundreds' of relationships that may have heralded the patter of tiny Jimmy Choo-ed feet..but didn't, has decided to go it alone.
Signing up with a top-end fertility clinic. her wisecracking gynaecologist ('I'm not looking at your toes I'm looking at your cervix') successfully performs an artificial insemination and an up-the-stick Zoe skips into the street.
She also gets into a who-got-the-cab-first row with hunky Stan, a stall-holder at a New York farmers' market who comes out with the chat-up line 'I'll give you a taste of my cheese.' What girl could resist?
Soon Stan and Zoe are getting cosy but is the free-spirited cheesemonger ready for a life of nappies, sleepless nights and crippling pre-school costs if he opts to stay with Jenny from the Maternity Block?
If you can get over the impossibly glamorous lifestyle of the immaculately groomed Zoe and the pumped-up pecs of the good guy goat farmer then Will & Grace screenwriter Kate Angelo's script will strike a few chords.
There's an amusing sub-plot featuring a hippy-ish gang of single mom earth mothers who insist Zoe and Stan attend a too-much-information water birthing party.
And Anthony Andrews pops up as a seen-it-all dad-of-four who warns a horrified Stan what experiences await him, including a rather too graphic concentration on toddlers' obsession with ordure. In fact, this is probably the most faecal-obsessed of all the J-Lo movies. Yes, sirree.
So it's not really a guys' movie..but gals can enter into the spirit if they convince themselves that labour only lasts a couple of minutes and the only artificial aid you might require is lipstick.

The Back-Up Plan. PG-13| 2010| 1h. The Possession of Hannah Grace, Movie on DVD, Horror Between Worlds. Download the Redbox App. Watch The Backup Plan online| The Backup Plan 2010. Zoe is a woman who has a hard time letting anyone into her life. She has a habit of pushing people. Watch The Back-up Plan (2010) - Zoe is a woman who has a hard time letting anyone into her life. Broken Wrong movie Others. No download, no surveys.

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The Backup Plan Full Movie Download Hd

Tim Evans